Nikita’s HPCC Internship Journey 👩🏽‍💻

Nikita Jha
17 min readAug 1, 2021
HPCC Systems Overview

Day 1: Setting up HPCC Systems on my Local Machine, Adding Code, Checking in Code

  1. Fork the HPCC-Platform on git into my personal repository (click the Fork button to essentially create a copy of the repository for just you so you can make changes without affecting the main repository. You can sync changes you make with the main repository using something called Pull Requests)
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Mkdir HPCC-Platform (create a separate folder for your code in HPCC)
  4. cd HPCC-Platform
  5. git clone REPOSITORY_URL (
  6. cd NAME_OF_REPO (cd HPCC-Platform)
  7. git remote -v (to see all of the existing remotes set up)
  8. git remote add upstream
  9. git fetch — all
  10. git checkout -b HPCC-24870 upstream/master
  11. cd dockerfiles (to see list of all dockerfiles, type ls)
  12. vim
  13. vim
  14. Make the code change
  15. :q! — vim command sequence (to exit the code sequence)
  16. git reset — hard upstream/master

Day 2: Building and Running HPCC Image Locally

  • Local Deployment of HPCC systems

  • Refer to the notes above to understand what I did in order to locally deploy the HPCC system platform and ECL Watch on my local machine

Day 3: Building and Running HPCC Image with

  1. Open dockerfiles, which should be in the HPCC-Platform in your root/home directory and make sure you are on the home branch (you can check with git branch and switch with git checkout <BRANCHNAME>
  2. brew install md5sha1sum
  3. Install md5sum for mac
  4. Make 2 new repositories in Docker Hub (one called platform-build and the other platform-core)
  5. docker login
  6. ./ -d nikitajha -p
  7. docker images (to see all the images you currently have)
  8. cd ..
  9. vim CMakeLists.text
  10. ./ -d nikitajha -p

Document for ALL Jira Ticket Research:

Day 4: JIRA subtask #1 (Investigate image caching in the docker builds)

  • Final product for this JIRA ticket: a pull request with all code changes
  • Researched about “Latest Tag” and its problems pertaining to caching
  • Determined what are the possible solutions and weighed advantages and disadvantages of each (all of this is included in the document linked above
  • Researched about Trivvy to scan files for potential threats

Day 5: JIRA subtask #4 (Investigate any uses of root access in our image builds that elevate privilege’s unnecessarily)

Investigate root access in all the docker files

  • Learned about Root access, when to use it, what the dangers/threats are associated with it, and what privileges and permissions it has
  • Group add, user add, passwd platform-core (is this the right way to do it)
  • Ensure we are switching to user HPCC before we are doing any of the final run commands
  • Write up a report about this (If you find any good sites, put in links)

Day 6: Adding ‘no-cache’ option to buildall common script and then re-build image

  • **** — Added option to input whether or not the user wants to disable cache (1 if they want to disable and 0 if they do not want to disable)
BUILD_ML=    # all or ml,gnn,gnn-gpu
${DISABLE_CACHE} ${rest} ${name}/
  • action.yml — added in the description and requirement of disable_cache variable
description: 'This will disable the Docker build cache when building an image'
required: false
  • build-and-publish.yml — set the default value of disable_cache to 0 since it runs with cache by default
disable_cache: 0 #this should only be set to '1' if you want to disable the docker image cache
  • To test the edits and re-build the file, I went to terminal and first changed the value of the disable_cache variable to be 1 (signaling no cache) by typing
  • Then I tried building the script file by saying ./ but I got the following error:
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'b75aad0ca715741a86aea51339013e5ddede9765'
Current tag could not be located
Perhaps you meant to run ?
  • — The error means we were not putting in the tag exactly as it was supposed to be so I went in the file and removed the need for the tag to match exactly to run (line in the comment is what it was before while line above is what I changed it to)
BUILD_TAG=$(git describe --tags || true)  # The git tag for the images we are building
# BUILD_TAG=$(git describe --exact-match --tags || true) # The git tag for the images we are building
  • I saved all changes and rebuilt the file after changing the value of disable_cache to be 1 and got the following response


  • This edit allows developers to specify whether they want a build to run with or without cache
  • The default is no cache
  • If they want cache, they have to type “export INPUT_DISABLE_CACHE=1” in terminal before building the file
  • To specify with cache again, they have to type “export INPUT_DISABLE_CACHE=0” in terminal before building the file

Day 7: Researching on Azure environment

  • Researched into Azure environment shell and deploying HPCC on kubernetes

Day 8: Looked into Trivy Scanning

  • Read about Trivy scanning and how it works (theory)
  • Trivy: A simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers, images, and other artifacts
  • Using this tool to run a scan on the HPCC docker image will help me understand exactly what I should be trying to fix
  • A software vulnerability is a glitch, flaw, or weakness present in the software or in an Operating System. Trivy detects vulnerabilities of OS packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and application dependencies (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.).

Day 9: Setup Entire LexisNexis Environment

  • Called Help Desk and setup my LN email and Workplace environment
  • I encountered a GRA configuration problem but was ultimately resolved
  • Got the security journey on my personal computer (in bookmarks)

Day 10: CyberSecurity Training, More About Trivy, Azure platform login and account setup

Day 11: Trivy Analysis and Fixing ‘Cache’ and ‘No-Cache’ Directives in incremental build and

  • We always want no cache turned on for buildall, but we want an option (cache or no cache) for incremental build

Trivy Security Analysis

  • trivy image hpccsystems/DOCKER_IMAGE:TAG_NAME
  1. First Medium Level Security Threat

Take Aways:

Medium Security Level Threats

  • AppArmor Mount rules are automatically widened when the program is compiled (
  • Kernet: arm straight-line speculation vulnerability
  • Local DoS by event-busy-loop from writing long lines
  • lz4: memory corruption due to an integer overflow bug caused by memmove
  • Improper input validation of octal strings

Day 12: Docker Best Practices — Images

Docker is a complex product, with many configuration options. Security best practices identify how to limit attack surfaces and lock Docker down

Choose minimal base images

  • Keep smallest possible attack surface — the less number of things you have in the image, the less chances you have of something going wrong
  • Very small and popular linux distribution hardened for security and includes almost nothing

Don’t build dependencies from source

  • Container image vulnerability scanners like Trivy that are limited in that they can detect vulnerability by looking at installed packages and their versions but there is a problem with this way of checking for vulnerabilities.
  • If you build something from source, your chances of a vulnerable piece of source code being build into a dependency for the application not getting picked up by one of these tools is much higher
  • By not building dependencies from source, you can prevent these image scanning softwares from missing certain vulnerabilities
  • Install dependencies using existing packages and package management systems that come with base image

Adopt fixed tags for immutability

  • Docker allows you to reference a container image that you want to base your image off of by using the name and then by labels or you can do it with a sha256 tag
  • When you know you are going to rebuild the same thing many times, fixing your base image using that tag ensures that any future changes won’t affect it
  • You have to be careful if the base image is updated or a new version is released that you change the tag naming correspondingly

Employ COPY instead of ADD

Utilize a least privilege user

  • If you are not using Docker Namespace making, which is disabled by default and usually remains this way because it is difficult to work with, when you run your processes in a container, they are going to run by default as the root user, which is the same root user as on the host
  • This makes it much more likely for something to go wrong where if there may be some vulnerabilities or opportunities that can be used inside the container to break out of it
  • It is best to run container processes as an unprivileged user so that if something goes wrong inside the container (maybe software gets exploited by some adversaries), the opportunities to get out of that container are that much more limited
  • One standard way to do this is to create an unprivileged system user as part of your image build process and then make that the default user to run when the container is executed

Deploy read-only filesystems and volumes

Protect sensitive information

Label and lint

Day 13: Full PR Run-Through

  • Rebuilt build file (./
  • Tried checking history for that platform-build image but it was too large to run on trivy (9 GB)
  • Rebuilt image
  • Checked history again and reported results

Day 14: Vulnerability Scanning

Security Scanners:

  • Use hpccsystems/platform-core:TAG for the scanning since this is the final HPCC image that will be deployed, etc

Trivy: explanation, installation, and implementation in day 11 notes

Anchore: an open-source project that allows for the deep analysis of docker images and determines whether they are secure or not as well as any security vulnerabilities

  • Install:
  • brew tap anchore/grype
  • brew install grype
  • Run:
  • grype <image> -o <format> #I use table as the format

Docker Scan (Provided by Docker Desktop):

  • Install:
  • Pre-installed with Docker Desktop
  • Run:
  • Docker scan IMAGE_NAME

Day 15: Kubernetes Security Journey Section

  • Kubernetes Security Journey
  • Wrote down any questions I had while I watched the Kubernetes security journey
  • Researched into Kubernetes more

Day 16: HPCC Documentation Run Through and Azure Subscription

  • Deployed HPCC on local
  • Went through docker documentation and wrote down anything that is confusing from the documentation
  • Troubleshooted why I did not have the Azure subscription and asked Lorraine about the issue as well

Day 17: Security Vulnerability Scanning for the platform-core(main image)

  • Rescanned all the docker images except this time on platform-core instead of platform-build since platform-core is the final HPCC docker image
  • Trivy:
  • Anchore Grype:
  • Docker Scan:

Day 18: Understanding Kubernetes from beginner level

Day 19: Setting up Github Actions Workflow to build image from there instead of local machine (Second Blog Post)

  • Since building from local machine was taking too long, we had to setup a Github Actions and run the workflow from there to build the image
  1. cd out of Dockerfiles
  2. cd .github/workflows/
  3. code . (configure VS code to open from terminal)
  4. edit build-and-publish.yml in VS code
  5. Change to this:

6. Make sure your Dockerhub has an exact replica of the workflow — has platform-core, platform-build, platform-build-base

Setup Secrets in github

  1. Go to personal forked repo of HPCC platform
  2. Go to settings
  3. Go to Secrets
  4. Add the following 4 secrets: DOCKER_USERNAME (dockerhub username), DOCKER_PASSWORD (dockerhub password), BUILD_USER (github username), DOCKER_REPO (dockerhub username)
  5. Open in VS code
  6. Comment out ‘exit 2’ in line 45
  7. git status
  8. Add all the files that are not tracked by doing git add FILE_NAME (You have to do this individually for each file since git add . does not work for some reason)
  9. git commit -m “Workflow setup”
  10. git push origin master
  11. Go to actions in forked repo and click Build and Publish
  12. Click Run Workflow in master branch

Day 20: Kubernetes Research

  • List all software (shared objects and executables), compare all 3 scans and combine into 1, coalesce them into one report, write report
  • This is why we should use minimal distribution — why it will be good or not based on attack surface as compared by the three report scans before and after

Day 21: Building Image with Github Actions instead of from local machine for the cache, no cache JIRA ticket (#25906)

  1. Make sure master branch has the most recent changes from main HPCC branch (git fetch — all)
  2. Make a new branch for the JIRA ticket (git checkout -b HPCC-25906 upstream/master)
  3. Pick the right commit which has the changes made for cache no cache (exact tag number for commit can be found in github commit history) (git cherry-pick 2cee6446de725d68d69280e8ccebd79cd7867de8)
  4. git push origin HPCC-25906
  5. git checkout master
  6. Changed the default cache to 1 in
  7. git add build-and-publish.yml
  8. git commit -m “Changing default cache to disabled”
  9. git push origin master

Move the build-and-publish.yml to the branch for this ticket/error

  1. cp build-and-publish.yml ~/build-and-publish.yml
  2. git checkout HPCC-25906
  3. cp ~/build-and-publish.yml build-and-publish.yml
  4. git commit -a -m “Changing build and publish”
  5. git push origin HPCC-25906

Rerun image in Workflow

  1. Go back to the actions in my forked repository
  2. Click build-and-publish and run the workflow in HPCC-25906

Day 22: Coalescing All Initial Security Vulnerability Scanning Results into One Report (Without Ubuntu Minimal)


List of all Vulnerable Software (Shared Objects and Executables) Across All 3 Scanners

  • Finished first JIRA ticket (List and verify all software that is included in container : #25916)

Day 23: Cache and No Cache Image Building

  • Checked normal way to compare to no cache — got a clean branch that uses master, created a branch that says master test, set it to mimic master, pushed it, did the build, ensured that is actually visible on Dockerhub
  • Finished mid-way internship checkpoint

(Friday) Day 25: Made another report for ‘No-Cache’ Image Building to compare with the ‘cache’ builds


We should stick with enabling image caching since there are two new ‘medium’ level security threats that get added when the image is built with disabled cache

  • libhogweed5
  • libnettle7

(Monday) Day 26: Ubuntu Minimal Analysis (Deciding whether we need to switch or not for security reasons)

  • Tried researching into how to determine whether we need ubuntu minimal without actually downloading it and implementing it on the HPCC image
  • Ask Michael: Could not find any specific information relating to certain smaller packages in ubuntu minimal that I could cross reference with our existing files in HPCC so how should I proceed? Is there another image that I should scan that has ubuntu minimal part of it?

(Tuesday) Day 27: Resolving Ubuntu JIRA ticket and Kubernetes JIRA Ticket

Summary: The latest version that we currently have (20.04) is perfectly fine for our needs. It is as stripped down as it needs to be in terms of attack surface. Here are references that explain how it has a minimal attack surface. According to an article (, in Ubuntu Minimal, when there is no USER specified in the dockerfile, the default mechanism is to execute the container using the root user — this increases the exposed attack surface and is bad. To avoid this undesirable scenario, we should create both a dedicated user and a dedicated group in the Docker image. Next, use the USER directive in the Dockerfile to make sure that the container runs the application with the least privileged access possible, as is best practice. Since HPCC systems does this, it complies with this specific part of ubuntu minimal. In addition, according to the article (, using vulnerability scanners like Synk and Trivy is especially important for open source software to make sure there are no ‘High Risk’ or ‘Danger’ security threats that are coming up. After performing these scans on the current HPCC image, none of these high level threats were coming up which shows that it is as stripped down as it needs to be at this time. Continuous scans should still be run as more software is added to make sure the threats do not appear, but as for now, there is no urgent reason to transfer to Ubuntu. we should do the scans once every point release for the ubuntu distribution that we are using as our base. That is when we are changing any packages. Minimal since the current HPCC systems image seems to be secure enough.

(Wednesday) Day 28: Writing out Kubernetes Components to Secure

(Thursday) Day 29: Networking Across Namespaces

Networking across namespaces, look up namespaces networking, write up something short for this

(Friday) Day 30: Setting up a default HPCC Systems cluster on Microsoft Azure Cloud Using HPCC Systems and Kubernetes

  • Had a meeting with Stew, Michael, and Ming about everything I have done so far and what is to come
  • Went through tutorial above written by Jake Smith (made sure to delete resource group afterwards)
  • Wrote my first official blog post (Caching and No-Caching Option)

(Monday) Day 31: Started making Kubernetes list of components to secure (listed in table)

  • This table can be found in the ‘Kubernetes Notes’ document

(Tuesday) Day 32: Finished table from yesterday

  • Determined which are highest priority to work on first

(Wednesday) Day 33: Began research for Pod Security Policies and Network Policies

  • Ran a Pod security policy on my machine and determined what the process was to create my own policy
  • Took notes on what pod security policies are as well as best practices for these policies

(Thursday) Day 34: Made My Own Pod Security Policy

  • Created a pod security policy for denying certain privileged requests called “psp-deny-privileged.yaml”
  • YAML file in my notes

(Friday) Day 35: Researched into Network Policies and took Notes and SharePoint Read-Through

  • Notes can be found in Notion doc
  • Look through all the documents in Azure and Kubernetes sharepoint and make sure to find anything relevant to project
  • Find more information on Encryption at Rest (sharepoint documents that include any regulations or guidelines or suggestions for Best Practice)

(Tuesday) Day 36: HPCC YAML Files Analysis

  • Look through the HPCC Yaml files (ming set instructions in gitter) for reference and see if you can implement any of the security best practices there

Desired Audience: Everyone on open-source community (generalized audience)

(Wednesday) Day 37: HPCC Pod Security and Encryption (At Rest and in Transit) Best Practices Implementation and Encryption at Rest Read-Through

  • Read through SharePoint files on Encryption at Rest Best Guidelines
  • Establish HPCC framework and best practices on Encryption at Rest and Encryption in Transit protocols
  • Looked through HPCC yaml files and other source code to make sure they were following pod security best practices

High Level Overview of Kubernetes Security Concepts (For Presentation):

  • Pod Security Policies (Include what they are, what the best practices are, How you check to make sure HPCC was following these best practices and made suggestions for revisions if they did not)
  • Encryption at Rest and Encryption in Transit (Include what it is, what the best practices are, Make sure HPCC is following these best practices and make suggestions for revisions if they are not)
  • Include documentation for

(Thursday) Day 38: Hashicorp Vault Installation and TLS Check

(Friday) Day 39: Hashicorp Vault Installation and TLS Check

  • Testing the vault instruction code below:
  • Finish going through the github ( for installing Hashicorp vault and after installation, go through and suggest changes based on security best practices for encryption (at rest and in transit) directly in the source code
  • Go through Ming’s email for malicious code in shared storage and apply any best practices for that

(Monday) Day 40: Continued work from Friday

  • Documented all the problems I faced with Hashicorp Vault on seperate file and fixed Kubernetes pod failure (CrashLoopBackOff) using Ming’s Test repo.
  • Best practices + implementation for Hashicorp Vault

(Tuesday) Day 41: Azure Blob Storage Best Practice implementation

  • Followed the steps from above to setup K8s HPCC pod again and followed all steps to setup Hashicorp vault again except run the different helm install command from the bottom of the Github Readme (the one with secrets added to ECL components)
  • Ran the bottom section once (Installing the HPCC with the HTTP-CONNECT Secrets added to ECL components) ⇒ Different helm command
  • Finished implementation code for blob storage

(Wednesday) Day 42: JIRA ticket for Hashicorp Github README instructions and cert manager instruction check

(Thursday) Day 42: Working on Blog

  • Worked on blog that encapsulates everything I learned from yesterday

(Friday) Day 43: Authentication in Cloud Environment

  • Authentication in Cloud environment work
  • Deploy HPCC cluster and then go through all the Azure portal security concerns and address them.

(Monday) Day 44: Godji Terraform Meeting and Terraform Understanding

  • Attended 2 hour meeting presented by Godji about terraform and cloud
  • Researched into Terraform and its uses/applications

(Tuesday) Day 45: Deploying an AKS cluster with Terraform

  • Use the terraform script to start k8s (AKS) ⇒ terraform apply. Then list security holes (new security threats that were not there before) in security center and advisor
  • Hashicorp tutorial for terraform
  • Link on gitter for JIRA ticket (Authentication in Cloud)

(Wednesday) Day 46: Storage Account Security Threats

  • Figure out why storage account is giving errors — Ming’s email (should be some flags/parameters you have to enable)
  • Published JIRA ticket about cloud authentication

(Thursday) Day 47: Continued work from yesterday

  • Wrote best practices for storage account security

(Friday) Day 47: Creating a storage account

  • Created a storage account with script files
  • Researched and implemented best practices for storage account security

Next Week (Entire Week):

  • Worked on presentation and 15 minute talk



Nikita Jha

Passionate student who enjoys using software to advance humanity and working with other talented individuals to solve problems